Monday, October 18, 2010

more like a nature run today!

Well despite my brother Steve arriving less than 3 hours ago, I left him at home to go out for a run.  Kind of. Having been awake for over 30 hours Steve decided to have a kip...then Mark  decided to have one too. Not being the napping kind, I sprawled out on the sofa with a bag of Monster Munch (UK crisps), read women's health and did some sudoku.

Suddenly I though pah I should have gone for a run...and so I threw on my running clothes and out I went. I ran faster than usual, and only took one one minute walking 'break' and was really pleased with how I did.

While out I saw a deer. A DEER! I was so excited! It just looked at me, and was probably 10 feet awat at it's closest. I wish I had my camera, but then again, I never take my camera running. Nature wise I also saw a billion squirrels (well four), and some rabbit poo.

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